Rahab – An Anxious Woman

Rahab – An Anxious Woman

James 2:25 (NLT)

“Rahab the prostitute is another example. She was shown to be right with God by her actions when she hid those messengers and sent them safely away by a different road.” James 2:25 (NLT)

God commanded the complete destruction of Jericho and other Canaanite cities because of their extreme sins, including child sacrifice, shrine prostitution, and injustice of the powerful against the weak.

The Israelites were the pursuing army, ready for battle! The news that the waters of the Jordan River had parted for the Israelites terrified the inhabitants of Jericho. Rahab watched anxiously from her window in the wall as the Israelites gathered around the city like a growing storm. Would these fierce warriors, with their powerful God remember the scarlet cord? For the thousandth time, she reminded her family, especially the little ones, not to take even one step outside the house lest they perish.

That first day Rahab watched as seven priests carrying an ark led thousands of men around the city (Joshua 6). She braced herself, but nothing happened. The next day and the next, for five more days, it continued. Then as the sun was rising on the seventh day, the men of Israel marched again, encircling Jericho seven times. Suddenly she heard the ram’s horn sound and then a thunderous cry, loud enough to split a mountain. The city walls shattered, and the Israelites rushed in.

When the battle of Jericho was over, Rahab and those she loved were spared. Her faith had saved not only herself but her entire household from the terrible judgment decreed for her city.

This dramatic story of Rahab reminds us of the fact that God’s grace knows no limits. All we need is faith in God. Let us be reminded that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace.


Father, I praise You for the wonderful and unexpected ways You have acted in my life. Let the knowledge of Your faithfulness increase my courage to take the risks that faith demands. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Read: Exodus 14:31; Hebrews 11:31

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 62; John 9:35-41; John 10:1-21; Ruth 3; Ruth 4

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